3 - 14 - 2025
Collin and Georgia
How we met
The question they have been asked more than any other question during their relationship is ‘so how did you guys meet?’ The answer is very simple. How does anyone meet these days? The internet! Yes the internet by means of a simple IM. Georgia messaged Collin first, and neither of them had planned on meeting their future mate this way, so they were both a little apprehensive about the conversation as it got started. But do you know what they learned? They really enjoyed talking together! They became fast friends and learned a lot about each other quickly. After about 5 months of progressively messaging more and more, Georgia sent the text that read ‘we need to talk’. Collin thought the worst, but got on a call to see what needed to be discussed. Georgia brought up that they had been talking for a while now and they had gotten to know each other a little bit, and it seemed like it was time to make a decision. Were they just going to be friends? Or were they going to take the next step and commit to their courtship as a dating couple? After a very positive and honest conversation it was settled, they were officially a couple!
Our Engagement
After almost one year of dating and many conversations about the future, things were progressing well for us. We were talking every day. We had finally met in person and went on our first adventure together to Paris, France. On that trip, Collin told Georgia he loved her for the first time and Georgia with a smile said it back! Collin knew this was the person he wanted to spend his life with. He bought a ring and planned the proposal dinner. In September, on a beautiful early fall day in London, Collin and Georgia, accompanied by Collin’s siblings Camille and Dillon, shared an amazing day walking the streets of London and enjoying the day. That night was a surprise dinner. On the previous visit Georgia showed Collin a building in London called ‘The Shard’ which is the tallest building in the city. She said ‘I have always wanted to go in there, but it seems too fancy.’ Collin made reservations at the restaurant on the 52nd floor of ‘The Shard’ at sunset, with a table overlooking the river thames. During the meal Collin said ‘look at that sunset! Let’s have our photo taken.’ He handed Dillon the camera and secretly retrieved the ring box out of his bag. He walked around the table, got down on one knee, and asked Georgia to marry him. Georgia said yes!!! And with tears of joy running down her face Collin slid the ring on her left hand. They hugged taking in the moment that would again change their lives forever.

It turns out starting a life together takes a lot! If you are in a position to and would like to assist us with a few items we need/want to make our new life easier, we have created a couple registries with items.